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Buddleia WHITE PROFUSION Live Butterfly Bush Plant Summer Lilac Large Flower Cluster Starter Size (1) 4 Inch Pot Emerald Tm

Buddleia WHITE PROFUSION Live Butterfly Bush Plant Summer Lilac Large Flower Cluster Starter Size (1) 4 Inch Pot Emerald Tm
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If you want your garden to be a favorite stopping off place for butterflies and hummingbirds, the Buddleias are a must have. They are an easy-to-grow flowering shrub that establishes quickly and usually blooms the first season.

Profuse, fragrant blooms that smell like lilacs are born in big panicles at the ends of long, flexible arching stems, hence the common name Summer Lilac, though the species is unrelated to Lilacs.

Buddleias grow in a variety of colors, from dark, almost black purples, pale pastel blue and pink-toned lavenders, and golden, buttery yellows and brilliant white. Flowers are rich in nectar and irresistible to butterflies and hummingbirds. White Profusion is a reliable, heirloom hybrid that tends to bloom early and profusely.

Buddleias are moderately cold tolerant and are recommended for Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Generally, well-established plants will freeze to the ground in Zones 5-7 and resprout in the Spring but are evergreen elsewhere.

A few locations have concerns about the potential invasiveness of the old original Buddleia davidii species, and although these restrictions do not apply to sterile hybrids, we do not ship any Buddlieas to Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, or Hawaii.

Condition: One (1) Well rooted, starter size plant growing and shipped in a 4-inch diameter plastic pot. The plant will be a minimum of about 6 to 8 inches tall and unlikely to have bloom or bud at the time of shipping.

*Limited Conditional Warranty: Warranty is limited to guaranteeing plants will arrive safely and in good and healthy condition, and is conditioned on Seller receiving prompt notice (within 24 hours of delivery) of any problem with the condition accompanied by photo validation. No other additional, extended or long term Warranty is expressed or implied.
  • Brand: Emerald Goddess Gardens
  • Common Name: Butterfly Bush or Summer Lilac
  • Bloom Form: Terminal panicle
  • Mature Size: 5 feet
  • Fragrance: Yes Lilac-like
  • Suggested Uses: Hedge, Boundary, Fences, Mixed Perennials, Large Garden Pots
  • House Plant Adapative: Not recommended due to size and light needs
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Limited Conditional Warranty: Healthy arrival
  • Extended Long Term Warranty: None
  • Manufacturer:Emerald Goddess Gardens tm
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Color: White
  • Special Features: Showy bloom attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
  • Species: Buddliea davidii
  • Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Watering: Moderate
  • Model: BUDD-WHIT-WPR-04BG
  • Shipping Weight: 2.1875lbs
  • 4 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Emerald Goddess Gardens

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